You Need to Start to Notice All the Art.!
You Need to Start to Notice All the Art . ! When was the last time you stopped looking at your phone or laptop and saw the art that is inside and outside LBCC? What do you mean you haven’t seen any art? It’s literally everywhere you look. How did all this art get in and around Chinook Hall, Benton Center, and our Main Linn-Benton College campuses? Well that is a good question. You cannot really know by reading the tags mounted next to the art installations. The names of the people on the tags who created the paintings, statues, or sculptures don’t tell the whole story. Let’s look at three art installations. First we’ll look at artist Kris Mitchell’s White Oak “Learning Tree” in the lobby of the Benton Center. Next came the main LBCC campus’s north entrance art sculpture that was completed while the building of Chinook Hall. Finally, Albany master artist Bill Shumway, LBCC staff members Marc Rose and Renee McKitterick, members of the Benton Center Arts Committee tell th...