Bring on Spring Term

    Hope your break left you refreshed. I am now in my third term of journalism. This term I will be writing featured stories and starting my column about the experiences of students with disabilities and the challenges we face just to get to class, doing our homework and what can LB can do to help us get the same education as everyone else.

I've been just resting during the break. Cheering the OSU Beaver Women's basketball teams march to the Elite Eight. They soared much higher than pre-season poll said they would go. Picking them to finish tenth in the final Pac-12 season. They finished as one of the top eight teams in the country.

    It was a honor to have my first story appear in the February print issue of The Commuter. I also had a story posted on the online version of The Commuter. My major is Creative Writing but my focus is on Journalism. 

    My three goals for this Spring term:

1) Meet all my deadlines. I didn't meet that goal last term and it caused a lot of stress that I plan to avoid.

2) Write better. I didn't write too bad last term but I know I can do better. I want to reduce the amount of edits and rewrites.

3) Spend more time in the writing center aka The Commuter. I really want to get to know the staff and glean some pointers from the great writing staff and be a regular contributor. 


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