Good Heart -poem

 Calling all Featured Writers, it's Poetry Month. Let's see a poem from you. Either one you wrote or one that means something to you.

Here's one I wrote the other day:

A Good Heart

 I feel that I have a good heart. 

 I was going to say that I think I have a good heart,

 to be modest,

 but you don’t think with your heart.  

You think with your head based on what you feel in your heart.  

A good heart will drive your thinking 

to make decisions with empathy and compassion. 

A good heart’s empathic voice speaks with compassion. 

What makes a good heart?  

Is it who likes you?  Maybe.  

Is it because you help others?  That depends on your motivation. 

Are you doing it to help others or be thanked, making you feel better about yourself?  

The answer will tell you a lot about yourself.  

It seems to me that putting others first is the only way to show your good heart.  

A good heart warms your whole body.  

You feel the warmth in your chest every time you help anyone feel better.

With a hug, a hand up, or a simple pat on the back. 

When you smile with your eyes.  

You feel your warm heart seeing enthusiastic joy from your children.

They can truly see through the shells adults put-on out in the world.  

Make it easy for them


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